Thursday, 24 August 2017


The native industry in Hadejia emirate, weavers, builders, woodworkers and the professional butchers. But tailor embroinders, leather workers, cloth dyers, mat makers, etc practice as individual crafts. I can not attempt here to describe in full all the native industries in Hadejia emirate, neither from the technological point of view nor with regard to the detail of their organization.

One of the important manufacturing industry in the emirate is the clothing industry. Cotton cloth is produced in most of the localities in the emirate, the dominate areas being Kafin Hausa, Auyo, Hadejia and Bulangu.

Bulangu has since the pre-jihad period distinguished itself in the production of Bullama or white expensive (Riga) of high quality. All stages of the manufacturing process ginning, carding, spinning, dying and weaving are performing locally. There is division of labour following the line of sex. Whereas both sexes are engage in weaving, spinning is exclusive preserved for women. Spinning is one of the major occupation of women. While girl are taught how to make thread from the age of 10 years. It became a common occupation (if not the sole) among older women.

There are two basic types of textile production in the area, which are based on sex difference. Whereas men weavers work with pedals, women weavers use an upright broad loom. The men use a narrow upright loop and the women use an upright broad one in the textile production.

Closely related to the clothing industry is dying. Hand woven cloth dyed with colours mostly blue from plants provides most the clothing of the people centuries before the coming of the European made clothes. Dyeing is made with locally grown and processed indigo. Dye-pits were sunk and lined with local cement made from indigo dye, cow dung, ashes and horse hair. The locally grown dye was vigorously stirred in this cylinder by men using long poles. It gives a dark blue colour to cloth. In general, cloth of different colour are usually dyed blue but the expensive one is (Kore), which only the Sarakuna and attajirai can have.

Among the most important dye dentures in Hadejia emirate are in Hadejia (town with five 5 dyeing centers spread throughout the town), Hadiyin and Auyo. Hadiyin is noted for its dyeing industry throughout the emirate and beyond. The town is commonly referred to differentiate it from Mai Dan Karofi (Hadejia that had a dye pit) to differentiate as dyeing center. In fact, even Dr. Barth H. who claimed that the territory Hadejia had no industries in the 19th centuries, recognized the presence of many dying pits in the emirate, when he passed through the area this period .
Metal work is another long established craft industry throughout the emirate. Blacksmithing (which is the dominant type in the emirate) is a very important industry because most of the equipment for all economic activities are made by blacksmiths. The most important center for blacksmithing in the emirate is Kwazalewa in Kafin Hausa district. Among the most important tools manufactured in include agricultural implements such as varieties of hoes, cutlasses and knives etc. Military equipment like swords, chains, spears and the domestic use. Baitu in Birniwa district is an important center for the manufacturing of weapons such as spear and sword and local gun. An important aspect of this industry is that, throughout Hadejia emirate, there are no iron ore deposits and therefore it had to depend no others like Kano and Barno. In spite of the non-existence of iron ore deposits, blacksmithing is a very old occupation in Hadejia dating back to the pre-Fulani era.

Wood and Calabash carving are other old and important industries in the emirate. Calabashes are mainly produced in the eastern part of the emirate, Guru and Kirikasamma being dominant areas. The carving of calabashes into different pattern and shapes is an occupation of the areas where they are produced. On the other hand, wood carving is practiced virtually throughout the emirate. But the most important virtually throughout the emirate. But the most important and well known wood carving centers are Kafin Hausa (Agurya). And Auyo areas, in the south - western part of the emirate. The importance of wood carving arises from the fact that equipment for farming and household such as hoe handle plates (Akwashi) mortar (turmi), are carved from wood. Other product of this industry include saddles (sirdi) and stool (kujera).

Pottery is another important and widespread craft in Hadejia emirate. This craft provides the majority of the containers needed for liquids and foodstuff. One of oldest centers for pottery making is Hadejia town in the Garko ward. Pottery making is undertaken by both sexes, but women are dominant in the trade, shortage of pottery in the area is remedy by importation from Damadaram which produces pots much superior to the ones produced in Hadejia.

Other industries worth mentioning are leather making, ternary and building which are practiced throughout the emirate.

Adeleye, R.A: Power and Diplomacy 1804-1906, longman London, 1977

Barth, H. Travels and Discovery in Northern and Central Africa Vol. 3, London 1857

Hogben S. & A.H.M The Emirate of Northern Nigeria: A Kirk Greene Preliminary survey of their Historical Traditional, London, 1966

M. U Mustapha: A short History of Hadejia 1800-1906

Suleiman Ginsau: Ruwan Atafi, 2015

Cook A.N: British Enterprises in Nigeria Frank Cass & Co. Ltd, London 1964

Mani Abdulmalik: Zuwan Turawa Nijerita ta Arewa Zaria, 1956

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